Overseas connections
We have a long standing partnership with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, involving masters level research projects carried out by their students who come to Seychelles on placements (around 40 students doing plant research or other work so far). We have also collaborated with a number of other European universities, institutes and herbaria in Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, France, Germany, Poland, Sweden and UK, and also USA, and in the Indian Ocean region with Reunion and Madagascar. We participate in the Global Island Conservation Network (GICN) and we maintain linkages with relevant local government departments and agencies, other NGOs and the private sector.
PCA is delighted to have links with the following overseas organisations:
Links with other environmental NGOs and organisations we work with in Seychelles:
- Island Conservation Society (ICS)
- Seychelles Islands Foundation (SIF)
- Sustainability for Seychelles (S4S)
- Terrestrial Restoration Action Society of Seychelles (TRASS)
- Wildlife Clubs of Seychelles (WCS) (/links.html
- Natural History Museum of Seychelles (email: [email protected] )
- Seychelles National Herbarium - the digital herbarium (www.seychellesplantgallery.com )
- Seychelles National Parks Authority
Sponsors in Seychelles:
- ECA Image: www.ecaimage.com (2016) - enabling us to carry out more work on the 'Plant Gallery'