National network for biodiversity data exchange (2018-2020)
The full name of this two-year project is “National network on biodiversity data exchange for improved Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) management”. It is funded by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF). The project is based on the success of a previous project, led by PCA members, on Seychelles’ Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs). At that time a considerable amount of biodiversity data was collected, including many species discoveries and an extensive collection of images ( Another key aspect of the KBA study’s success was the collaboration between various institutions and NGOs of Seychelles. Our new project aims at giving the KBA studies a new ‘kick’. What we want to achieve is:
Training opportunities in July/August 2019: This training has been completed but if you are interested in any of the following modules, get in touch (details below) as there could be other opportunities in the future. There were SIX training modules: